Mental Health Repercussions of Uber Sexual Assault on Women

Uber Sexual Assault on Women

Whether it’s in the workplace or public, women’s safety has always been a concern. Recently, another avenue of women’s harassment that has come to light is through Uber sexual assault. The stories that women across the globe have shared are disturbing.

Mustak Ahmad Abdulhai Mulla, an Uber driver, was put in prison for seven and a half years for raping a 20-year-old woman. He collected her from Coventry to drop her off at Nottingham. However, he stopped close to Clifton and raped her in the car. As a legal response, Mulla had to sign the sex offenders register for his entire life. Additionally, Uber removed him from the platform after this incident.

This is one of many cases that perhaps keep happening every day and affect both the physical and mental well-being of women. Here, we will focus on the mental health challenges victims undergo and how to address them.

Mental Health Issues Victims Experience

It’s natural for Uber sexual assault victims to feel depressed because their sense of physical privacy and agency is ruthlessly violated by perpetrators. Additionally, if they have to face legal delays, it’s natural to feel unheard and hopeless. With time, this can gravitate towards other serious mental health issues like social isolation, clinical depression, and acute negative thinking.

The documentary ‘Victim/Suspect’ on Netflix in 2023 provides a powerful narrative about the sufferings of sexual assault victims. Many have been turned into suspects for a lack of correct data and inaccurate investigations. The reporter of the documentary, Rachel de Leon, starts to look into cases and mentions that often the police don’t manage reports correctly.

Something similar is possible with Uber sexual assault victims who can undergo a range of mental health issues. Apart from a prolonged sense of hopelessness, despair, and dejection, other problems include:

Memory Issues

Most victims tend to report crimes within a few hours of the rape taking place. They usually don’t get the time to process the flow of events. Some dissociation could have happened during the physical assault because of pain, panic, and fear. Also, when the mind and body are under complete stress, victims tend to forget timelines and details.

It not only gives rise to memory issues surrounding the event but also in general. Even though they recover partially or completely they might suddenly forget a few facts related to their lives. It might cause issues in their personal and professional lives.


PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) develops when you have experienced a scary or shocking event. Feeling afraid during a traumatic situation, such as a sexual assault, is natural. It’s because the body gets into a ‘fight’ or ‘flight’ mode, that stops you from responding to any potential danger.

Uber sexual assault victims often suffer from PTSD, and that affects other aspects of life. They are often unable to get out of this state of shock and trauma, which disturbs their decision-making capacities. It stops them from living in the present moment and leading a normal, stress-free life.

Acute Anxiety and Stress

Stress and anxiety are normal human responses to life. Uber sexual assault victims experience these emotions at a heightened level. Since their physical boundaries have been violated, they are always in a state of perceiving that something might go wrong. It keeps them alert and tense always and ruins their spontaneity.

As a result, they tend to speak a lot when not required. Another after-effect of stress and anxiety is getting into a continuous loop of make-believe scenarios that aren’t true. It stems from extreme fear and the need to protect oneself.

That aside, a few other psychological issues that victims experience include:

  • Shame and guilt in extreme amounts
  • Eating disorders that lead to bulimia or anorexia
  • Sleep issues
  • Nightmares and flashbacks
  • Low-self esteem
  • Suicidal thoughts and actions
  • Trust issues
  • Extreme control issues
  • Avoiding specific places and things that trigger the fear sensation

What Is the Solution?

We can’t undo what took place. Even though most Uber sexual assault victims would want to go back in time and change things, it is wishful thinking. Hence, the solution lies in moving ahead and heading on a recovery journey. Even though it is easier said than done, that’s the need of the hour.

So, first things first, TorHoerman Law states that victims should make a police report and take legal action at the earliest. If you’ve encountered an assault, consult a lawyer and share your case history. If you are unable to do so, ask your family to get this done. Once the lawyer evaluates the facts and evidence, they can develop a solid case and present it in court.

This will not only go a long way in putting the criminal behind bars but also sue Uber for not being able to protect its female passengers. Also, you will get a compensatory amount, using which you can pay for your medical expenses and even therapies to heal your mental health issues.

It is necessary to consider therapy to address and treat mental health issues like anxiety and PTSD. While having a frank conversation with friends and family will make you feel supported, it might not lead to the healing that you need. A therapist will know the workings of the mind and will provide you with solutions based on the severity of your psychological issues.

Many shy away from visiting a therapist or psychologist, thinking that they would have to take medicines for life long. That is not the truth. You should have faith in a trusted and reputed therapist and follow their guidance to heal from your issues.

Finally, it’s indeed sad to find so many women helpless in matters of Uber sexual abuse. Despite Uber’s safety features and attempts, the app still reports abuse cases. Other than physical injuries and scars, victims often experience a range of emotional and mental health issues. It is necessary to take legal recourse and also choose therapy to address the issues and heal from them.